Sunday, August 3, 2014

Children's Literature in Crisis?

Hello Parents and literature readers everywhere,

          I have recently started taking a class on Children's Literature, which excites me to no end. Who doesn't love to read a good book? The feel of the pages in your hands, the cracking sound the binding makes when you open one for the first time, and the wonderful smell of the pages, brings back memories of reading as a child. 
In today's world of technology many children do not get to experience these wonderful senses as we did as children. With the invention of technology many children have e-readers or other devices they use for entertainment and reading. Unfortunately, there are many other technological advances that have diminished the need to get lost in a good book like video games, cell phones, laptops, and iPad to name a few. These devices have cast a shadow on reading a good book which has taken away from important skills children learn. Reading has been shown to help children with language development, build on vocabulary, and their knowledge base across curriculum. With this in mind share a good book and your love of reading with your children to enhance their reading skills in the future. 
One of my favorite books as a child was series called "Little House on the Prairie", by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Reading these books as a child took me on the same adventures Laura Ingalls Wilder experienced as a child in the big woods of Wisconsin. I was able to experience those adventures through her words and descriptions. She chronicled her life and that of her families along with all of their struggles to survive in early America as pioneers. One can imagine the struggles of carving out an existence in a new place that has not been settled before. Food, water, and protection from wildlife and Indians were first on their minds. Reading this series will bring the real life struggles of this girl and her family to your mind. You may have read these same books as a child why not share them with your children and take them on a journey of early American history with Laura Ingalls Wilder. 
There are also other great series available you can share with your children that are more up to date than the Little House on the Prairie series. Some popular series with children are the Magic Tree house books where a boy and girl who are best friends are taken on spectacular magical adventures in their tree house. Reading aloud to children also builds on their imaginations and teaches them to entertain themselves with a good book instead of constantly being stimulated by electronic devices. Designate a story time night at your house with your children and take them on an adventure of the mind.